Our Capabilities

Is your Company operating at Optimum level?

Our business offers many years of production knowledge. Are you quoting to your customers using accurate cost analysis methods? Where are your largest potential efficiency gains?

From Purchasing Strategy to Quote Analysis layout; lean manufacturing methods that really can be implemented), to ‘finding profit from chaos’, Nickleby would be pleased to look at your business and provide concrete ideas, that will compliment an overall strategy in manufacturing businesses.

Nickleby can work with your staff to coach and implement strategies that work uniquely for your business, as we recognise that no two companies are the same. Everything we do is tailored to your needs.

• Commercial and Cost Analysis Leadership/Coaching
• How to create a successful Quote Analysis Form
• Identifying additional add-value activities within your own operations
• How to implement production efficiencies that really make a difference

What Senior Leaders say to us:

“We are working harder, but probably not smarter”
“My costs are rising, but our customer still expects their annual cost-down to be met”
“My team tell me we are operating efficiently, so it must be so”
Unlocking your Potential

At Nickleby, we take an agreed strategy and execute it. We are not a company who write detailed white papers, we are a business that works with people, coaching and inspiring from our great team of people. Our strong partnership with XLens means we have Western Europe covered, with a strong network amongst an array of likeminded innovative businesses.

It is critically important for our clients to gain maximum impact from an introduction to a potential customer or partnership.

Here at Nickleby, our team are able to advise and help with

Company profiling…..’are you really sending the right message out’………are you sending out any messages?
Communication that works…………there’s a time to email and a time to talk.
Building and executing Growth Strategies

At Nickleby, we recognise the enormity of defining a strategy of growth, let alone execute one! Markets are shifting. Brexit and Global pandemics are enough to occupy minds. Is your business ready for a review when talking about growth opportunities.

Importantly, are your Sales team doing what they did last year? If they are, then you already know what you are likely to get!

Clever businesses are re-thinking their strategy. We advise companies look sideways as well as forwards. Partnerships can allow you to side with companies that might compliment your offering to new or existing customers. Good partnerships allow you instant access to a new network.

Sales teams are already fatigued with on-line meetings, and is creating a poorer communicator, not a better one. The new sales person will be tech savvy, ‘connected’ in a variety of ways to their customers within the new world environment that we are facing.

Comments from our Clients at senior level, when asked about Company Strategy:

“Where do I begin?”
“Growth Strategy……I think I want more of what we do….I think!”
“Maybe its time to diversify. The world seems to be changing fast”

Unlocking Growth

Optimised Strategy

We offer profiling, marketing, partnership creation, and importantly access to key customers